You just started a new position in the firm where you thought your competencies were highly suited. But unexpectedly, after an enthusiastic start, you are experiencing an extreme lack of self-confidence in being able to do the work. You constantly compare yourself with another team member and feel persistent anxiety and self-doubt. You are starting to distrust your skills and competencies and have caught yourself doing much negative self-talk or thinking that recognition of your achievements is undeserved. Recently you have even come to regret the security of your previous job, which you thought you had outgrown.
There’s a high probability that what you are experiencing is imposter syndrome. It is a phenomenon commonly used to describe high-performing women who feel like frauds despite their high achievements. However, impostor syndrome is not unique to women only. It can take many forms as it can be due to many factors and can persist for a long time if it goes unresolved.
This feeling is caused by a deep sense of self-doubt and insecurity, which results in anxiety and distress. You feel like you don’t belong and don’t deserve the success you have experienced with your new job. You are worried that other people will expose you as a fraud. This, in turn, leads you to overcompensate with overpreparation and crippling perfectionism unconsciously. Eventually, this may lead to failure to accomplish specific projects. Rest assured; you are not alone.
It is normal to experience self-doubt and anxiety when starting a new career. These feelings can last for the first few weeks of a new job. However, it can become a severe problem if the feeling persists too long. It is essential to acknowledge that it takes two to three months for a person to get comfortable in his new position. For others, it may take even longer. New job anxiety is a common thing, but you can overcome it. After all, there is always an introductory period whereby the employer and employee evaluate whether a successful employment relationship can be established.
It has been demonstrated that with Imposter Syndrome, the more successful and high achieving you are, the more likely you are to disown your successes and doubt your capabilities. Suppose you recognize any of the above feelings and behaviors. Then it is crucial to acknowledge your feelings and work on resolving them. You might work with an experienced transformational coach to help you understand the possible reasons behind your feelings of self-doubt. You can combat imposter syndrome by unlearning self-limiting beliefs and accepting an alternative way to think about yourself.